The rule of the 4 Fs – avoid hunger, cold, fatigue and jitters – can help limit the progression of a nauseating situation. But it is by acting on the cause of motion sickness that you will certainly avoid its consequences. Motion sickness is caused by a sensory conflict between what the eye sees and what the inner ear feels. And as it is vision that is deceived here, confined in a vehicle, it is vision that must be helped, by bringing to its periphery inertial information consistent with the perceptions of the vestibular system. This is precisely what Boarding Glasses allows. The blue liquid contained in the glasses moves according to the movements it undergoes, and creates an artificial horizon in the visual field of the user. This horizon allows the eye to permanently perceive the accelerations in which it is part, whatever its environment. The vestibular system of the ear is also based on the analysis of a movement of liquid, it perceives similar information.
A visual crutch designed by bio-mimicry
Synchronization of the components of balance, to avoid any discrepancy and therefore make it impossible to suffer from motion sickness: this is the principle, both simple and unique, on which the Boarding Ring technology is based. It is above all the most effective approach. Asked during a satisfaction survey, 94% of users confirm that their experience has been improved by using Boarding Glasses in transport. This study conducted in 2019 by the independent institute Opinionway also allows us to establish a score of 8/10 for the intensity of this improvement, a significant result. Add to that that these glasses are a non-invasive natural device, therefore devoid of side effects or contraindications: you will conclude that Boarding Glasses is your best ally for your daily trips, such as your most distant trips!
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