What mode of transport makes the sickest?

seasickness A BVA* study shows that 47% of French people are sick in certain types of transport.

Everyone obviously has their own susceptibility, but the analysis makes it possible to establish a hierarchy between the main means of moving. It is unsurprisingly on the water that the proportion of passengers suffering from motion sickness is the highest:
        66% of boat passengers,
        39% of car passengers,
         28% of air passengers,
        19% of train passengers.
This trend is also found in a survey** conducted among Boarding Glasses users, who mainly acquired glasses for their sea trips (79%), their car trips (24%), flights (10%) and rail travel (5%).

Prepare when the journeys are tough

It is indeed when the duration of the trip lengthens that motion sickness is most severe. If 8% of our users need Boarding Glasses several times a month, 3/4 of them only wear their glasses during long occasional journeys . So, ready to join the Boarding Ring family?

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*BVA for Domeo and Regional Press - 2015 France

**Opinionway for Boarding Ring - 2019